
My First Trip Abroad - JAPAN

Hi, everyone! How's life?
It's been so long since my latest entry in this blog. I am very glad writing here again!
Well, actually, I wrote this entry because I am currently reading an English textbook, Cutting Edge, in order to improve my English skill. This book consisted of some units related to English study, for example Tenses. In this unit, we are required to make a short paragraph about our first or last in doing something. So, I decided to make mine. It is about my first trip abroad! Well, here we go!

Eh, by the way, because I am still on my journey in studying English, I will be very glad if you guys give me some advises or corrections to this entry that hopefully can help me improve my writing skill.

(Sorry for this very long preface! :D )


My first trip abroad was to Japan. It was about one month ago. My friends and I participated on ASEAN International Mobility for Students (AIMS) student exchange program in a Japanese private university, Ritsumeikan University, for one academic semester. There are eight students of us from my home university, Bandung Institute of Technology. Before we went, we applied for scholarship and sponsorship to help us funding our daily living cost in Japan. It is very expensive living in Japan compared to Indonesia, so we had to apply as much as possible. After we got enough money, finally we embarked our journey! Actually, we didn't go together from Indonesia. We picked our flight date individually because each of us had our own preferences in spending the money. 

Because I had a limited budget, I kept waiting for the lowest flight ticket's price and I got it! So, I went alone from Bandung (West Java) to Denpasar (Bali) and then continued to Kansai International Airport (Osaka). It was a very long flight, about 3 hours from Bandung to Denpasar and around 7 hours from Denpasar to Osaka. Beside, I had a flight transit in Denpasar, so I needed to wait for about 12 hours!!! Fortunately, Denpasar is a nice place. During that time, I went to the nearest beach to kill the time. So, I got double package of first experiences as it was also my first time to Bali. I was terribly excited!

Kuta Beach, Denpasar - Bali
"What a nice place to be a killer! Kill the time!"

In Japan, I live in Kyoto, in an international student dormitory provided by the university I belong to, while seven friends of mine, all of them live in Osaka. My dormitory is very comfortable because it is a new dormitory and fully furnished. It is a bit different with my dorm in my home university. Beside, there are so many international students live here. I am very happy having them here, but sometime I am a bit nervous to communicate with them as my bad and low level English skill. 

Ritsumeikan University International Students Dormitory
"The place where you can take a bath with hot water anytime!"
"The place where you don't need to worry 'bout drinking water. 
Take it from the sink! It's drinkable! If you want a bit taste, take a look to vending machine!"
"Internet? No doubt!"

Ritsumeikan University International Students Dormitory
A morning session for Emergency Drill
"Fire! Kasai!"

Before the semester began, I went to some interesting places, such as Bamboo Groove in Arashiyama, Nijo-jo Castle, Kyoto Tower, Kiyomizudera Temple, Gion, Nishiki Market, Kyoto University Museum, Dotonburi (Osaka), and also Nara. I was very satisfied because I also experienced Hanami during Sakura Blossom. Once, I also went to Yasaka Shrine near to Gion and fortunately, there was a traditional dance performance by Geisha and Maiko! My Japanese friend told me that we were very lucky because that kind of performance does not happen really often.

Bamboo Groove - Arashiyama
"Nature is not a place to visit. It is a home." - Gary Snyder

Maruyama Park
Sakura Blossom
"Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul." - Henry Ward Beecher

Nishiki Market
"The place where you can try any free food. The merchants provide samples!"

Yasaka Shrine
"Sorry if you can't see the Geisha and Maiko, 
it seems like I've uploaded a wrong picture :P "

In the mid way heading to Kiyomizudera Temple
"After lining up for several minutes, we realized that we won't do it as it was so crowded. 
Just let's go back to dorm and come another time!"
Repeat Twice -_-

Running Man (Glico), Dotonburi - Osaka
"Chase me, I'll catch you!" - A stupid translation for "Kejarlah daku, kau kutangkap!"

Hanami at Kamo River
"You! Drink this sparkling water!"

Pokemon Center - Osaka
Before that... in a Bible Study session
"Moderator: Introduce yourself (name, country), 
and if you were in Pokemon, which character do you want to be?"
"Me: Sorry, I didn't watch Pokemon :("
"All: What???"
Actually I just wanted to say, "My family DO NOT have any TV! Never! :("

Kyoto Tower
"Summimasen! Sashin onegaishimasu!"

"If you want to know more about Japan, come to Nara! 
Nara is oldest than Kyoto."

After enjoying several vacations in Kyoto, the class began! Now, I am participating in some courses conducted in English. Particularly, I took some business-related courses as my major in my home university is Business and Entrepreneurship Studies.  I am very thankful to be able to study here since the campus facility is very good and the professor capacity in teaching is awesome. One of my favorite class is Japanese Economy. I like this class because it gives me the big picture of previous and current condition of Japanese Economy, beside of that, the professor also has a lot of experiences in the field. He had experienced working in Japanese Bank, World Bank, and also World Trade Organization that enable him to teach us not only the academical perspectives, but also practical. I have got so many new knowledge and insights until know and no doubt I'll still get more!  

Ritsumeikan University, Kinugasa Campus - Kyoto
"Beyond Borders"

 International Development Cooperation - Koshinkan Room 723
"I wouldn't take attendance. You don't need to come. Keep checking Manaba+R"
Sorry i have no photo of Japanese Economy class.

The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page
~St Augustine

Kyoto, April 27th 2016
03:43 a.m



Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.


  1. Replies
    1. Hoi, Je! Terima kasih.
      Gimana kabarmu?
      Ada yang mau diceritakan kah?
      Kalau ada apa-apa, kabarinlah Je.
